Ideas from the world’s first customer onboarding conference
Propel22 brought together over 30 industry leaders and experts who shared their insights over the course of two days.

And we have put together all our learnings in an e-book for you.

Check it out!

The 2022 Customer Onboarding Ideabook

22 ideas handpicked from Propel22

Inside the book...

Turning the Spotlight On Your Customer

CS teams often tend to turn their focus inwards. They want to improve metrics, up the renewals, etc. But, the answer to how you can improve those numbers is hiding in plain sight: customer-centricity.

Donna Weber tells you what you can do today to become more customer-centric.

Five Moments in the Customer Journey that Can Predict Renewal Success

Customer renewal is the holy grail every CS team is on the quest for. Ed Powers points out five moments in the customer journey where you can apply neuroscience to reaffirm their trust in you and ensure renewal.

A ‘Readiness Kit’ for Happier Onboarding

Onboarding fails because customers can be underprepared for it. Star tells you your sales team can help there, by talking to your customers about their onboarding during the sales cycle.

Use Star Hofer’s Readiness Kit to set customers up for success!

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You’re one step away from onboarding greatness